Thursday 11 February 2010

Betty Posts :o

I know you said i'd share my billboard with the layout artists, so i was thiking in a panel/square allocated to me etc. Is it... ok?


  1. wonderful! Write what you did in what ever font you want

  2. Tegan and I discussed which one was better of the three. Being animators, I wanted to work out WHY which one works best! Here's our what I think....

    Tricky E says:
    the eye likes things in thirds, keeps things interesting, the end one is the only one that has any sense of thirds, with the head making one third, and the body neatly forming the other 2 thirds
    little miss jephcott says:
    i had a feeling it was something to do with thirds
    we are talking about the left one?
    Tricky E says:
    little miss jephcott says:
    then why is the middle one not as appealing?
    Tricky E says:
    the slight variation in top and bottom crops break the thirds theory thing and relatively equal negative space on both sides isn't as interesing.
    one side is better

    It's just my opinion of course, but I thought it's interesting how a variation of the same image can look better with very little changes.

    I could be wrong! (But I think Tegan agreed with me)

  3. I agreed, the left one looks best.
    But I didn't use art to justify my opinion.


  4. In my sketchbook, i actually drew a rectagle round it, the left one, but drew the whole thing so it'd be easier to colour, the middle one, and then you were talking about having squares for everyone, so I made the right one. And for text, shall i just write, background painting?
